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(2nd Place)
Congrats to the WINNER! You recieve two interviews with popular websites and blogs with over 4 Million views!!! You desrve it! And thanks to all of the contestants, and I hope we all keep in touch!!!
panda-eyes Even though it was literal, it was fabulous. I have to say, on first glance I was suprised to see the building actually there. Looking at it longer, it just all seemed to fit together and work. The scarf part, is a great idea, and the sky-blue color the perfect choice for a building that soars into the air. We love the pattern at the bottom, kinda like windows! It's amazing...really..this one was definatly hard to beat.
lasmith My first thought was on the unique colors of the piece - they stand out, and make a true statement. Then, I looked at the technicals of how this could be made, and realized that it isn't difficult at all (all be it time consuming). It has a completely modern feel, like it just jumped out of a movie like Aeon Flux, but is still something that could be worn. Very well illustrated, and the presentation was impecable. It looks like it could glide down the runway with not problem. My only nick pick is that the golden window like things look a little too literal, but other than that it translates wonderfully. I loved the fabrications and the seams. The lines were wonderful and I loved the sleeves. All in all it was a wonderful submittion.
sparklefly hit everything right with this. The proportions were perfect, with her fabulous wide legged pant, and the oatmeal plaid. The conservative navy blue was a great addition and made the whole presentation more appealing. We liked the cut of the jacket and the placements of the buttons. The trimmings were perfect and the whole look was polished, restrained, and feminine. She sparkle, it can be done without being boring! Clap! Bravo! Encore!
panda-eyes The silhouette of the design is beautiful and sleek, but everything else to me seems out of place. I like the texture fabrication of the suit w/ gored skirt, but having it ribbed with leather? I never heard of this. From my stand point, ribboning this conservative outfit w/ leather automatically switches the mood and makes it slightly costumy and eccentric. Depending on what kind of leather, any of them would take it heavy looking. It also destroys the interesting texture it had. If only the ribboning were made of something softer and more appropriate. The shirt underneath doesn't looks mass produced and also gives 2 different moods throughout the design. We would have let the shirt be neutral red for the matching of the bow. I have to admit that I'm not usually drawn to the whole red and green combo being that they are contrast colors and can make my head hurt when put together...but the light shade of the green goes perfectly with the cherry red! Although I'm not sure what fabric the main green of the outfit is made of...the pattern and color is great! And I LOVE the idea of having a green leather trim!
Beautifully done and executed!
ceazar ceazar’s work has been consistently strong ever since the first challenge, but in this, the same fabrics yet again...but a beautiful design nonetheless. The sleeves and vest all worked out well (you have a knack for picking fabrics and colors) and the pants were great. The whole thing was interesting, and very well executed. The only thing that worried me was the single just looked odd...but maybe that's just me talking.
Adeladia This is poorly illustrated. I can understand if people have their own illustration style, but when you want to convince people that your garments aren't costumy, you have to illustrate it and present it more realistically so we can get persuaded. This looks like a costume from head to toe, but reading the description...I'll just believe it's just Haute Couture. I like the colors and texture mixing with the skirt being double layered with lace, but it's not meant for career wear. It has no feeling of career or any style available within that range. The top with that dramatic color can actually work if everything else related more appropriately. When designing for something specific like bridal, career, costume or even concerts...the design must look believable and appropriate in a competition at least, even if it's Haute Couture.
catzilla The colors were on spot all the way. It wasn’t boring there were always little surprises to be found in the design, and it was defiantly a risk to use. My only complaint is the lining. It doesn’t really play into the whole piece well. However, this design was defiantly up there ^^! It’s great, and it’s defiantly a contender for the win.
lasmith . I understood the jacket and I responded well to it. It was art, and it was captivating on its own. But once it was paired with the skirt, it looked strangely proportioned and, um, odd. It was paired with another peculiarity, a vest with suspenders that was about a close to weird and um, odd as one could possibly get. Huh? I thought it was preposterous looking, but then I can be one-sided. I told myself, “Well, at least it’s kind of sophisticated. And at least it’s not too boring (the pleats saved the look).” Lasmith, next time be a little more careful.
OUT: ilani It looked all over the place. The whole outfit looked thrown together at the last possible minute. Maybe if the colors hadn’t been so wild it would have worked better. Maybe playing it down with a black or something. I personally loved the top and jacket, but the skirt it what messed everything up. It was bold and rushed and pinned and frilled…it was just too much. I’m REALLY sad to see you go ilani…you were defiantly a interesting one to see every week! But someone had to go. :hug: